Why, How, What Model Of Communicating
Rex Burkholder Former Metro Councilor, Author, Political Strategist
WHY: “MLK didn’t say, ’I have a PLAN.’, he said, ’I have a DREAM.”
HOW: Integrity, inclusive, innovative, collaborative, fair -- operational values
WHAT: The domain of progressives and reformers. While the opposition talks vision, “the golden city on the hill,” we talk plumbing.
Homework Exercise: Get out your notepad
Why: Using your fundamental values, write down your dream for your community
How: Think about how you want to act in this world (this can be in your personal relationships, on the campaign trail, when you are elected). What values will guide your actions?
What: List some issues you think are important in your community. Do you have ideas about these that you’d like to implement? (These are the basis for policy papers all candidates love to write, but hopefully, you will see that they are the last thing voters will focus on. They want to know YOU, which means they want to know what motivates you and how you will treat them - the Why and the How.
Come up with a short, 3 minutes or less statement about you and your campaign based on your values. Take a look at the websites of past candidates for ideas.